A series of community potlucks will be held at The Andover Community Hub this winter on the 4th Sunday of each month, with this month’s supper being on Sunday, February 23, beginning at 6 p.m. Residents are invited to bring the whole family, kids included, as well as a favorite main dish, soup, salad, side dish or dessert to share. All are welcome to join friends and neighbors – and maybe meet some new folks in town – for good conversation while sharing a meal.
It’s not necessary to RSVP – deciding to join us at the last minute is also fine – but if residents would like to let us know they plan to attend, it’s helpful for planning. The Hub can be reached at 603-735-5509 or TheAndoverHub@gmail.com.
The Hub is located at 157 Main St. and is a universally accessible building. If anyone would like to attend who needs a ride, please call Kearsarge Neighborhood Partners at 603-317-5900 with at least a week’s notice and a local volunteer will be happy to provide transportation.